A program funded by Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation (BMSF) to support community outreach services for lung cancer, and other NDCs across all the BMSF funded programs in Southern Africa.
Focusing on improving community access to screening, testing and early detection of TB and lung cancer through mobile X-ray services.
The program is implemented in collaboration with Kimberely Hospital, Cancer for Charity Workers, a community based organization in Kuruman, Northern Cape and Aurum Annova.
A program funded by Bristol Meyers Squibb Foundation (BMSF) to support community outreach services for lung cancer, and other NCDs, focusing on improving community access to screening, testing and early detection of TB and lung cancer through mobile X-ray services.
Key Objectives:
Enhancing partner organizational and technical capacity to provide community-based health services.
Improving community access to early diagnostic services, treatment, and care for lung cancer.
Improved functionalities of the referral system and linkages to facilitate access to lung, breast, and cervical cancer services.
Strengthening the organization’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Learning (MERL) systems.