Mr Sammy Sappie, has dedicated his life in fighting the joint epidemics of TB and HIV in Ekurhuleni. Mr Sappie says that he dedicated his life to working on TB/ HIV because of the personal impact the two epidemics has had to his life through family. He also emphasized that clinicians play a vital role in the control of TB and the successful completion of the patient’s treatment. He says, TB is an important communicable disease that all clinicians should understand.

Mr Sappie has stated that stigma, and lack of information and awareness towards the two epidemics has led to profound effects on individuals and communities. This has also led to non-adherence to treatment by patients.

He furthermore stated that, Isibani Development Partners joined the district at the right time when the hospital was experiencing challenges because of the pandemic. According to Mr Sappie, Isibani has had a great impact at the facility with regards to finding TB missing cases and recording of data. He also believes that the Digital Adherence Medication Monitors for DR-TB patients will help support adherence for the DR-TB patients, to help patient’s complete treatment.

“Adherence medication monitors are a very good thing; they will show patients that they are cared for and will instill a sense of responsibility to patients”- Mr Sammy Sappie.

According to Mr Sappie, creating a TB free country can be achieved through winning the mindset of our families, friends and communities and ending stigma towards TB and HIV. He also pointed that the same strategy that was used to raise awareness about COVID-19 should be used to raise awareness about TB.

On his spare time Mr Sappie provides health sessions to adolescents at the hospital to help patients have more information about TB. Isibani is giving gratitude to our deserving hero Mr Sammy Sappie for making daily sacrifices and saving lives.